Friday, December 12, 2008


So I am back with another fun update. Well things are going well here. I am feeling back to 100% and a bit on top of the world. We just got back our ratings from the company. Honestly I was terrified to get mine. I am always way tougher on myself than other people are on me. But I actually did amazingly well. Even that I have a hard time believing. Despite one coworker's disbelief I have no idea how to take compliments. Sure guys tell me I'm attractive. I just figure they want something a but more physical so I don't really take them seriously. But getting an actual heartfelt compliment or a 'great job' at work leaves me flabbergasted on how to respond. So usually if I do something right I tend to keep it to myself. I'm way too sensitive to other people's compliments and depending on the person their insults as well...

Well anyhoo, I'm going to try to keep my good mood going for as long as possible. I got a great rating last term so I just need to keep it up. I should have more confidence in my teaching. Especially since it seems like I am actually not bad at it...

Oh! And the exchange rate went down!

I hope it holds until I can exchange money on Monday...

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